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Development and application of drone UAV jammers in recent years












Development and application of drone UAV jammers in recent years
icon 15.11.2022 icon 0x icon 263x
In recent years, the drone industry has developed rapidly. Many drones are used in news, logistics, entertainment, and other fields. While people enjoy the convenience brought by drones, they also cause many unexpected problems and bring some confusion to society. In response to a series of problems brought about by UAVs, UAV countermeasures have been developed.

Due to its small size, the drone can fly so low that some devices currently cannot detect it. To avoid affecting aircraft, drone jammer has been deployed at large airports. At the same time, the UAV countermeasure equipment can suppress the GPS, remote control, and image transmission signals of the UAV by jamming under different conditions on site, reducing the situation of "black planes". Anti-drones are widely used in airports, individuals, companies, prisons and other fields to improve confidentiality and security, and allow the black flying drones to be forced to land, so as to achieve the effect of drone confrontation.
So far, most drones require wireless signals for various technologies such as positioning, remote control, and image transmission. Of course, there will also be some special drones that can determine their position through terrain adaptation, image recognition, and high-precision inertial navigation. Since drones must use wireless signal transmission, it can be achieved by drone countermeasures. The effect of countering the UAV makes the UAV lose control and cannot operate, so as to achieve the purpose of UAV jammer confrontation.
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