Diablo Immortal isn't just the latest installment
Diablo Immortal isn't just the latest installment in Blizzard's long-running action role-playing game series, but it also frames Diablo in a new context. It has a number of new scenarios, in fact intended for mobile devices equipped with touchscreen controls.
It's an online multiplayer game featuring a shared environment where you see other players moving around. The game was co-developed with a Chinese company called NetEase and, even as with every Blizzard game before it, it has been developed with an eye on Asian markets. It's completely free to play. These are huge sea changes to Diablo.
However to any Diablo player -- and particularly anyone who is a Diablo 3 player Diablo Immortal will feel comfortingly familiar. The series' signature isometric viewpoint, intense combat that includes a swarm of monsters as well as the fountains of loot, are all there.
In addition, Immortal has clearly been built on an existing Diablo 3 engine and uses its assets, but retains the feel and atmosphere of Blizzard's 2012 game. Immortal's artwork has the same intensely colored golden glow, and the combat has the same thrilling firework display, and the sound and splatter sound effects are the same as the, Pavlovian satisfaction.
That's why Immortal is the same game , but in its new environment that opinions of different constituencies of its fans can vary significantly. Existing Diablo fans don't like the way their beloved game is enhanced in its current free-to play incarnation, while mobile game gamers, familiar with this model of business and have been impressed by the polish, depth and size that Immortal has taken it's predecessors.
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