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For a time, we used to












For a time, we used to
icon 28.08.2021 icon 0x icon 613x
For a time, we used to have so that it was removed, but there were far too many false positives together with posts which were not filtered. Our reasons for needing to filter these posts were to remove articles which have an uncensored phishing url (possibly putting other users at risk) and eliminating posts which attempted to ask Jagex because of help associated with a hijacking after getting one of these emails (Rule 7).

While mechanically flagging these posts might not be practical, we may have the ability to boost our Account Help Wiki webpages by incorporating advice. The official RuneScape Wiki has some great information in respect to these scams in addition to many others that are found out and inside of Runescape.

Yes, those who remark connected to another sub them, but sometimes keep it on the opposite and only they have a tendency to delete the post on here. If a response doesn't work a warning that appears before submitting? We know of the bottom into the OSRS sub at the Partner Subreddits segment, but most people who post OSRS only themed articles, do not even appear there, as they didn't knew the existence of the 2007 Runescape subreddit and are thankful whenever the people who remark mention, its becoming clear that the bottom resulting in the sub on the side bar isn't enough. I had believed the one that was phishing would be hard to implement, props for trying. On filtering phishing urls before thinking 16, I concur.

But yea about phishing some more action might have to be taken, these malicious classes are advancing their ways to catch unsuspecting victims increasingly nowadays. We have phishing streams on twitch, phishing ads to RuneScape and OSRS in most social media platforms (I wouldn't be shocked if one of these malicious ads eventually make its way to this sub ad locations) along with also the classic phishing emails and fake websites. I have even seen some poor attempts to phishing being submitted on this sub that result in bogus forums and I am glad they've been eliminated before anybody fell victim.

The real problem with phishing posts may also be the spam that the sub will eventually get, phishing emails have been sent in a wave to different mails of potential players, let's say like 10 percent of these have a reddit accounts, they are going to want to warn everyone else from their attempt and so there will be several posts looking the same, all of which may be oblivious it's been submitted before. It can eventually find tedious. Which then can lead others to ignore a legit clueless player who's asking whether it is real or not, that's why I suggested an automated response of some type, at least a little warning to take care or something like this. Additionally thanks for clarifying the email to forward phishing mails has become over, I understood of this forum thread, although not the fact that they stopped the email.
If you want to know more information about OSRS Gold , please lock on RSorder.com
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