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In a post posted at the World of Warcraft forums












In a post posted at the World of Warcraft forums
icon 25.07.2022 icon 0x icon 375x
World of Warcraft is reintroducing the Mage Tower when its 9.1.5 patch becomes available later this year, and it will be an integral part of the game's Timewalking feature, which is a limited-time event that allows players to play the content of previous expansions to get gear upgraded according to their respective levels. It's available for one week every month, and is always themed around a different expansion. World of Warcraft patch 9.1.5 is also slated to deliver a substantial amount of user-submitted changes to the game.

When 9.1 released at the end of June the patch was met with mixed opinions in those in the WoW community. Some claimed that the amount of content that was added by the patch was insufficient when it was over seven months, and it didn't include all the changes in quality of life that users said World of Warcraft needed during that time. Since the patch, Blizzard has worked to improve trust among players by making 9.1.5 predominantly based on user feedback. There are also some changes having already recently removed inappropriate references from WoW.

In a post posted at the World of Warcraft forums, community manager Kaivax announced the return of the Mage Tower as Legion timewalking features are added within patch 9.1.5. In the past, the Mage Tower was highly praised when it was released in World of Warcraft: Legion's 7.2 patch, which provided various challenges for every class in the game. It also gave players with cosmetic skins that they could use for their weapons. However, these cannot be obtained anymore. The reason Blizzard offers these non-available items is that it does not want to reduce player accomplishment from when the cosmetics were first available.

Instead colored, recolored World of Warcraft: Legion expansion armor sets will be given out, and druids will be given a new form that can transform into. All participants who finish each challenge will receive with a flying mount, known as The Soaring Spelltome. If the event goes live and runs for two weeks, before being cycled back into the game's rotation Blizzard makes use of with its expansions for timewalking. Six expansions are currently part of the rotation of timewalking, which means that players will be able to try their hand at the Mage Tower's array of challenges.

The moment that The Mage Tower was shut down in Battle For Alleroth's pre-patch update, many players were dissatisfied with the decision of Blizzard. It was not just the players with a fair challenge as well, it was among the few pieces of independent content the game had to provide. This isn't just the second time Blizzard has eliminated content completely too. Many beloved questlines, such as the well-known Angrathar the Wrathgate questline, were also eliminated over time.

While it is disappointing that the cosmetic weapon skins won't be back, Blizzard appears to be making an effort to regain trust from players by using timewalking as a method to keep some content that's not available anymore. Alongside this the many requests of players are being made in WoW: Wrath of the Lich King Classic updates. This could be the beginning of Blizzard listening to feedback from players more frequently than before.

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