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That just sums up WOW WoTLK Classic












That just sums up WOW WoTLK Classic
icon 29.07.2022 icon 0x icon 423x
There's an NPC at every Zeppelin tower. In the majority of cases 2. I believe it states"Zeppelin Master" under their name. Should you talk to them, they'll tell you where the Zeppelin they are standing nearest to is headed. Same in certain harbors with ships. There is just 1 npc per Zeppelin or ship that will tell you, even though there may be many others standing around as well who tell you nothing of value. Just click around til you get one that pops up a box with a text that includes a destination and that is how you will know.

I relate to this. I opted to play WoW for the first time back in October. I clearly remember when I took the zepp into Undercity the first time and how excited I was. When I finally dinged 60 I had many days played because I spent a lot of my time researching places and trying out all the dungeons just for the sake of it. Each of the hilarious random interactions and conversations. Enjoy WOW WoTLK Classic!

That just sums up WOW WoTLK Classic. I recall when it published people were hyped and contending with one another about retail/WOW WoTLK Classic and that is more challenging raiding wise. Molten Core comes out and it has destroyed within the first week, then people were stating that Blackwing Lair would be a real challenge but got cleared within 42 minutes. WOW WoTLK Classic will never be hard because the mechanisms are too simple for the folks who play it because they've been enjoying WOW WoTLK Classic for 15 decades and WOW players today would most likely kill"hopeless to kill pre-nerf C'thun" in 5 attracts.

The challenge back in the day was figuring out all of the experiences and gearing your raid up before that. Attempting BWL without the majority of the raid using MC equipment was a waste of time. Now all plans have been tested and proven, the people playing WOW WoTLK Classic are largely veterans also. So it's piss easy. Mainly because people were poor, not because gear was actually needed except maybe for some chosen WOW players such as the MT. Do not forget how far more prevalent it was for a player to possess bad net, or even a PC that could not really handle boss fights. Some Raid Leaders had no option except to take these WOW players.
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