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Political systems in the USA, UK, CZE The USA










Political systems in the USA, UK, CZE The USA
icon 24.01.2024 icon 0x icon 153x
The United states of America are the oldest federation in the world. The country is a federal presidential republic. There is bipartism in America which means that the country operates only under two parties: The Republic Party and the Democratic party.
The political power in the USA is divided into 3 seperate branches each with its own powers and a system of checks and balances. This insures that none of these branches can ever become too powerful because the other branches are always able to check the power of the other two. These branhces work together to run the country and set guidelines to live by.
The Legislative branch is describe in the article 1 of the US Constitution. The Legislation is comprised of The Senat(the Upper House) which has 100 US Senators and 435 members in the US House of Representatives(the Lower House). Both of them combined are calles the US Congress. Making laws is the primary function of it, but it also have many other responsibilities such as approving federal judges and justices, passing the national budget and declaring war. Each state gets 2 Senators and some number of Representatives depending on how many people live in that particular state.
The Executive branch is described in the Article 2 of the US Constitution. The leaders of this branch of government are the President and the Vice President who are responsible for enforcing the laws that Congress sets forth. The President works and cooperates closely with a group of advisors known as the Cabinet. These are appointed by the President and assist him in making important decisions within the are of their expertise such as Defense, the Treasury, Homeland Security etc. This branch also appoints government officials, commands the armed forces, meets with leaders of other nations and, basically said, represents the country abroad. All that together is a lot of work for a great amount of people. In fact, The Executive branch employs over 4 milion people to get everything done.
The third branch of the US Government is the Judicial branch and is detailed in the Article 3 of the US Constitution. It consists of all the courts in the land, from the federal district courts to the US Supreme Court. These courts interpret the American laws and punish people who break them. The Highest Court is the Supreme Court which settles disputes among states, hears appeals from state and federal courts and determines if federal laws are constitutional and valid. There are 9 judges on the Supreme court and unlike any other job in their government, the judges are appointed for life or for as long as they want to stay.
The President of the USA is the head of the the country and of the Executive. He i salso the Commander in chief of the United States Armed Forces. He has the responsibility to choose is VP. He is elected indirectly by the voters of each state and the District of Columbia and he can be elected only twice during his lifetime. There can be a situation of impeachment when the president is called for by the Senat to step down ort he president decides to step down himself. In the past, Richord nNixon stepped down. If the presidents gives up the seat. His VP becomes the president.

The Czech Republic
The Czech Republic is a parlamentary democracy, which means that the parlament has the largest amount of political power. The head of the state is the president who is elected directly by the citizens who are over the age of 18 for 5 years. Everyone who is over the age of 40 and has collected a petition with 50 000 signs or is supported by 10 Senators or 20 Deputies can be elected. No one can bet he president more than twice in a row. Due to the fact that the czech republic is a parlamentary republic, the president has very limited powers and specific powers. The most significant power he possesses is to return bills to the parlament except constitutional bill which he has nothing to do with. He appoints members to the board of the Czech National Bank, nominates constitutional court judges and dissolves the Chamber of Deputies under special and unusual circumstanes. He also appoints the Prime minister and other members of the cabinet on a proposal made by the Prime minister. Miloš Zeman is currectly the president. He resides at the Prague Castle.
The political power is also divided into 3 seperate branches: the Executive, the Legislative and the Judicial.
The Executive branch consists of 2 parts – the strategic part and the dynamic part. The Cabinet represents the dynamic part because it has many actual powers as well as the majority in the Chamber of Deputies. It can propound laws and it is answerable to the Chamber of Deputies Andrej Babiš is currectly the prime minister and he is also the leader of Ano(the strongest party in our country) The strategic part is represented by the president.
The Legislative branch is comprised of the Senat and the Chamber of Deputies. The Senat is the strategic constituent and it has 81 Senators who are elected for 6 years and every two years a third of the Senators is elected. Everyone who is electable as a president can be elected as a Senator. The Senat plays a big role in the legislative proces because it can return laws to the Chamber of Deputies or change them. The Senat also can charge the president with high treason, but only under special circumstances. The Chamber of Deputies is the dynamic constituent and it consists of 200 Deputies who are elected for 4 years. If you want to become a Deputy, you have to be atleast 21 years old. The election to the Chamber of Deputies is based on the systém of proportional representation. In other words, the party with the biggest number of votes receive the biggest number of seats and it also has the right to establish the Cabinet. In order to get the majority of votes to be able to pass the laws, the winner of the election usually cooperates with some other parties. The Chamber of Deputies has a great number of responsibilities such as passing laws, declaring wars, passing the annual state budget etc. Those two parts combined are known as the Parliament.
The Judicial branch is comprised of many kinds of courts such as district courts, regional courts, high courts, the highest courts, The Constituonal Court, The Supreme Administrative Court etc. The Constitutional Court consists of 15 judges appointed fo 10 years. It tries to found out whether new laws are in accordance with the Constitution or not.
Czech Constitution is written, as opposed to the Uks Constitution, and rigid which means that it is changeable but not very easily.

The UK
Great Britain is a parliamentary and constitutional monarchy. The state is democracy, where the country is governed by the Government but the head of the state is sovereign.
The UKS Constitution is unwritten, very adaptable and made up of: statue law(Acts of the Parliament, Common law(precedntal law) and Conventions(European legislation). The legal systém is very complicated and is not unanimous because the country consists of 4 historical lands. That means that a law which is effective in England doesnt have to be effective in Scotland.
I tis interesting that Magna Charta is a part of todays Constitution.
The political power i salso divided into 3 branches: Legislative, executive and judicial.
The Legislative branch is represented by The Parliament which is comprised of the House of Lords and the House of Commons. The House of Lords(Upper House) consists of the Lords of Temporal and the Lords of Spiritual. Some of the Lords of Temporal have their tittle heridary and some of them are only appointed for life. Archbishops are members of the Lords of Spiritual. The House of Commons has 651 Mps each representing one constituency, they passes bills, control the function of the government and the head of this House is the Speaker. The head of the House of Lords isnthe Lord Chancellor.
The executive consists if the Cabinetd which is created by the strongest party who has the majority of votes in the House of Commons. The head of the Cabinet is Prime minister(Theresa May). Prime minister chooses his government minister to help with ruling the country. The Cabinet is formally appointed by the Queen. If the second strogest party forms an opposition to the Cabinet, it functions as the alternative to the Cabinet and i tis called the Shadow Cabinet. There is a questioning time when all minister must answer questions raised by MPs.
Judicial branch is represented by the Court of Justice.
There are two big parties in the UK. The Conservative party represent the right side of the political spectrum and is now in the power. The Labourist party is on the leftof the political spectrum.
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