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Crime and punishment, Social issues










Crime and punishment, Social issues
icon 28.01.2024 icon 0x icon 151x
Crime and punishment
1. Crime - can it be stopped?
• NO, because crime has always been there.
• NO, because there will always be people who commit crimes.
• NO, because people are envious and evil and want more for themselves.

2. What leads people to committing crime?
• lack of money
• unemployment
• drugs and alcohol
• economic crisis
• mental issues
• gambling
• revenge
• envy
• problems at school, work
• bad political system
• family problems
• "bad" friends

3. Why are more young people getting involved in crime nowadays?
• influence of "bad" friends
• need for money (drugs, alcohol)
• they want to be heroes in their friends' eyes
• boredom
• bad upbringing
- what are the typical teenager crimes / crime-related issues?
mugging, fighting, underage alcohol drinking, drug abuse, shopliftig, gambling
4. How do drugs and alcohol contribute to increasing crime? Give examples.
• People under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol are more aggressive and they often don't know what they are doing
• Drugs and alcohol change people's behaviour, they don't think reasonably, and they need money for it.

5. What can be done to stop crime from increasing?
• education
• talking about drugs and alcohol issues
• more hobbies and duties in people's free time
• harder punishment

6. Are prison sentences an effective punishment for criminals? Why?

For some criminals prison is bad - they don't get on with other criminals. Some of them are having a good time - they can watch TV, do sports...
No, community service is better. / Community service is an easy penalty.
Yes, it's right to take their freedom. It's a cruel punishment for a man.

7. Could other forms of punishment work better than prison? If so, what?
Criminals should suffer the same way their victims have.
• what do you think about the death penalty?
• what do you think about punishment in the form of community service?
Community service: we think that it's good because criminals have to do something for society.
Death penalty: we think if somebody kills, he should die, too.
8. What do you expect from the police concerning crime and protection?
• More interest concerning criminality - some of them are indifferent.
• I expect better protection and help, more interest.
Crime against property: arson - someone intentionall light a fire on somebody´s car, house, office
burglary – someone break into flat, office or closed shop and steal st.
hooliganism - fans, drunkards or demonstrationists pass a street, wreck cars, break windows, light a fire, make noise, demolish communal property
robbery – stealing money from shops, banks, post offices, petrol stations

Crime against people: assault – attacking someone and hurting him
rape – special type of assault - violent sex
blackmail – call for money somebody for example because of secret
informations about him, which he doesn´t want to make public
kidnapping – taking someone prisoners and demand money for his release
mugging – attcking someone and stealing from him car in the street
menslaughter – killing someone unintentionally
murder – intentional kill, often planned

Economical crimes: imposture –borrow money from someone and not to return it, sale false things
smuggling – importing or exporting things secretly – goods, subject to duty
forgery – making false documents, money, signature, stamps
There are also another, I think more dangerous crimes: hijacking, terrorism or dealing drugs.
Social issues

1. Poverty
- Is a social status of a person which is distinquished by materiál shortage. I tis ised to describe a persons life conditions which do not let him live his life with dignity and good health. Due to the development of media, nowadays poverty is known to occur in Africa, in some states in South America, in Asia, generally in developing countries. People endangered by poverty usually do not have basic supplies such as food, water, education. There are many international organization which fight poverty and help people aour the globe.
2. Unemployment
- is a economic term used to describe a state in which a person do not have a job/is not employed
- There are many types of unemployment which occur with reliance on many aspect = voluntary, state of ecnomoy(recession), development of technologies(people replaced by robots in factories,…
- Not only does it affect the quality of person, but also the economy of the state itself
- When unemployment is too high, there is a higher chance of crimeand stroke occurence, people live in bad conditions
- People usually receive unemployment benefits
3. Social inequality
4. Excessive usage of mobile phones
5. Immoderate spending of time on social media
6. Obesity/anorexia/bulimia
- those are problems with increasing occurence which affects people among all generations nowadays
- when one is obese, he simply eats to much, people eat too much because food functions as a instant arousal of gratification, that means that people eat hen their are sad and dissatisfied
- obesity is spread around the globe, but the USA are affected in a much worse benchmark than any other countries
- people who disproportianetly lot are prone to suffering from hearth attacks, apoplexy and other crucial health disfunction
- Anorexia and bulimia are, as opposed to obesity, ilnesses which lead people not to eat, this affects especially young women who wants to be thick and fit as models so the stop eating in order to look beautiful. Another contributor is ostracism, people who think they are left behind in society, want to change themselves in a away which would make them more socially interesting , people with anorexia eat one apple a day, people with bulimia gulp down as uch as they can and then they voluntarly throw it up before their body digest the food
7. Immigration/emigration/Discrimination
8. Being to soft
- Today, we live in a mediocre society in which the majority of people think that everything is for free. What I mean by that is that people tend to think that they have to do almost nothing to accomplish what they want. But when they finally face the real world and the truth, their are taken by surprise how harsh the world can be. Its a complex social problem that nobody talks about, but its of crucial importance to realise that and admit to ourselves, that we should toughen up. One aspect which contributes to people being too naive is that they have been raised by over-caring mothers. This sociological term reffers to a mother who doesnt want to let her child live his own life and she incessantly tries to please so he doesnt have any rationale to leave. A person who is constantly pleased and being served, has no real basis of responsibility and accountabilty. When you throw this person to the storm of life, see what happens. The person doesnt know what to do! He struggles, but, god bless us, finds his way through. On the other hand, since 2000 the rate of attempted suicides has been increasing sharply. This is not cause only by the problem that I talked about, but its a huge contributor.
9. Decreasing number of marriages
- Since the end of the Cold War, the rate of marrinages has been decreasing. Why? When there was even the lightest spark of chance of war outburst, people we afraid and they were more probable to stay with their families so they could feel safe and integrated. When the fear vanished and the borders of the world were opended, people started focusing on travelling, experiencing the world and many other things. Since the start of the business world as we know it today, people have been neglecting what really matters and have started hcasing money, career, fame and recognition.
- I tis also easier to get divorced nowadays than it was 20 years ago, since the law has changed a lot and modified itself to a more liberal system
10. Decreasing number of child birth
- Havning a child is a great commitment that people nowadays do not want to bare compared with the great scale of things they can do instead
- People focus more on career
- Travelling
- Simply enjoying their lives
- In my opinion, it suitable for both the parents and the child that te parents dont have the child too early, because having a baby while you are insecured financiallly and occupationally, not enough time…
- Nevertheless, we cant afford having no babies in a range scale, otherwise we would extinct
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