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Shopping and services
icon 26.01.2024 icon 0x icon 187x
Shopping and services
Shopping is a necessary activity in our lifes, what I mean by that, is that everytime we lack something or need something, we go to a shop and purchase it
Services make generally people´s lifes easier. Public utilities are both a crucial part of national economy and an indicator of state of the economy. The higher percentage of services that constitutes economy, the better the state of the economy.
Kinds of shops
There is a large scale of shops/services ranging from little local shops to wholesales. I would like to describe a few of them:
Bakery – it is a place where people go to buy both salted pastery and sweet pastery and cakes, I have my favourite bakery called The breakfest club which is located in London and they make the best croiassants, even though one would expect to eat the best croiassants in France, but whatever…
Hairdresser/Barber shop – people visit this kind of shop in in attempt to get their hair cut or somehow changed, Barbershops are second to none when it comes to cutting mens hair, it is on a higher level, but also a bit more expensive
Butcher´s – shop where people usually can choose from various types of meat such as lamb, beef, turkey, chicken, pork, venison and exceptionally from more exotic kinds of meat, not only does it offer meat, but also ham, sausages and other smoked meats
Stationer´s – where people can purchase pencils, pens, rulers and stuff like that, it is predominantly appreciated by students
Bookshops – where people buy books and similar goods like at stationer´s
Grocesr´s – is a place which is not specialized on some typical god, but where people can buy basic food such as flour, milk, butter, sugar, salt, ham, bread, meat and other
Greengrocer´s – vegetable and fruit, mostly fresh and from farms
Clothes shops

Kinds of services
Services consists of several different domains of services, but there are some I would like to put an emhasis on:
Health care services – a state erects hospitals and provide citizens with care and medicaments when ill
Social services – mostly disbursing money to people who are not well off
Educational systems – a state establishes public school which are tuition free so students from poor backgrounds can afford education, the state also impose a curriculum which schools and teachers have to stick to
Bank systems – we can deposit your savings there, we can ask for a different type of loan, we can withdraw our money, we can invest our money with the help of a bank
Communication services(post offices,…) – a state administrates highways and roads which means that they are maintained safe and clean, the state also takes care of sufficient working state of post offices which people comunicate through
Municipal authority or city´s technical department – cutting grass, cleaning streets, harvesting plants in parks, building benhces

How can we pay today?
- In cash, by card, in advance, on credit

What I buy, where I buy, How I buy ?
- Imagine a situation
- Shopping basket
- Cashier
- Customer
- Conveyor belt
- Bar code
- On stock
- Run out of
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