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Sport and Games, Keeping fit










Sport and Games, Keeping fit
icon 27.01.2024 icon 0x icon 179x
Talk about:

1. Define sport and games, examples
2. Why do people sport?
3. Divide sport activities, examples, describe them
4. Danger of sports
5. Favourite sport in the world/my country
6. Proffesional sportsman
7. Olympic Games
8. Sport facilities
9. How to keep with and why?
10. How do I do that?

There is a difference between sport and games:
Sport includes all kinds of physical activities that help people to keep fit physically and mentally. It is one of the most popular kind of leisure activities which include running, walking, hiking, swimming, etc.
Games are usually played between 2 people or 2 teams. A game has certain rules, there is a referee who makes sure that the players obey the rules. The referee also decides who wins. The most popular games are football, basketball, baseball, ice-hockey, tennis and golf.

Sport activities can be divided into:

INDOOR: which are performed inside of some sport facilty which means that they can be performed at any time or at any weather conditions, for example: gymnastics, swimming, basketball, table tennis, badminton, boxing, wrestling and so on.
OUTDOOR: which means that they are practised outside and cannot be carried everytime we want, for example: in case it rains, we might not be able to play golf or to go hiking to the mountains when there is a storm outside

Some sports and games can be played both indoors and outdoors, but only with regards to weather conditions. For example: football, tennis, swimming, skating.

WINTER SPORTS: They can be practised only in winter. For example: skiing which is very popular among all generations, snowboarding, ice-hockey, bobsleighing.
SUMMER SPORTS: which can be carried out also in winter, but only if weather conditions are suitable, mostly done in summer, for example: football, tennis, cycling, …
INDIVIDUAL SPORTS: cycling, swimming, skating, skiing, snowboarding, shooting, bodybuilding, weight lifting.
COLLECTIVE SPORTS: ice- hockey, rugby, tennis, water polo, fencing.

The most popular collective sports are BALL GAMES – for example football, basketball, volleyball, water polo

Extreme sports:

Recently, there has been an influx of extreme sports fans and lovers. Extreme sport is an activity during which people get very to death, all that underwent voluntarly in order to experience a great hormone adrenalin and its impact. Extreme sports are quite expensive and there is a large scale of them which rangers from less dangerous to those of utmost danger. It is certain, that one must possess many skills to practise extreme sport, he must be physically fit for sure and fearless as well, otherwise he wouldnt even decide for doing such a crazy thing.

- Bunjee jumping
- Sky-diving
- Bull riding
- Ice climbing
- Highlining
- Creeking
- Freeclimbing
- Wingsuiting

Amateurs - amateurs are people who do sport for pleasure, not for money or as a job.
They do sport because:
- they want to be fit and healthy
- sport is a form of relaxation
- sport can help us to lose weight (pomáha schudnúť)
- they can meet many new people
Professionals – they do sport because it is their job. By doing sport, they earn their living. Most of them want to become famous and achieve success. It is not easy to become a professional sportsman. You have to start young and be prepared to work hard. You should train a lot and have a healthy lifestyle. Famous sportsmen are popular with people and they have many fans. Most of the time they have to forgo short-term pleasures to long-term achievements, which means that they have to sucrifice they personal and social live to be able to perform as well as they can.
If you want to be a successful sportsman, you should have these qualities:
* stamina /endurance/
* strong will
* discipline
* the sense for fair-play

Sport can sometimes be harmful to your health. While doing sport, people can get seriously injured – for example they can get bruises, they can break a leg or an arm or even hurt their spine. It is important to be very careful when you do sport.

- Skiing too fast
- Running = pull a muscle
- Football = problems with joints
- Hockey = knocked out teeths = artificial teehts
- Basketball = problems with shoulders


Altough I used to play football for 10 years, my view on it has changed. Nowadays, I dont like football at all due to bribes and unfairness which both occur there on a daily basis. Since I stopped playing it, I have been fond of weightlifting. Many reasons = you vs. You, discipline, endurance, you cant rely on anyone cause you do lift dumbells by yourself. I also like hockey as it is quite rough sport which require a great number of physical strenght and also it fast and very entertaining.
Sports in the world
There are many sports in the world which I dont even known the name of, but I honestly dare to say that the most favourite sport among all societes in the world is footbal due to the fact that all people need to practise it is a ball. Soccer is known basically everywhere around the planet and people simply love it. Then there is ice-hockey, which is also very popular, but because it can be played only on ice, it is not spread that much.

In the czech republic there are two sports which dominate in the field of viewership: Football and ice-hockey. Czech people even spent a lot of many on betting. Czech hockey team is known for its quality and is said to be one of the best in the world. Czech tennis players are also find themselves at the top in players ranks.


We can do sport in these sport facilities:

- sports stadiums = športové štadióny
- sports halls = športové haly
- a ski rezort = lyžiarske stredisko
- fitness centres
- a gym = telocvičňa
- a football field = futbalové ihrisko
- a golf-course = golfové ihrisko
- an ice rink /skating rink/ = klzisko, ľadová plocha – we can skate there
- a tennis/volleyball court = tenisový/voleybalový kurt
- a swimming pool = bazén

Sports equipment:

- wallbars - rebriny
- balance beam - kladina
- rings - kruhy
- vaulting horse - koza
- mats – žinenky
- climbing rope - lano
- pole – tyč na šplhanie
- a horizontal bar – hrazda
- Dumbell/barbell
- Bosu
- Running shoes
- Sweatband
- Headphones
- Net
- Ball
- Puck
- Ice-hockey stick
- Skates
- Smart wathces which track our movement and measure the distanec we walk every day
- Special diaries where we can write down what we eat and then we can see if our daily intake was appropriate or not



* What are the advantages / disadvantages of being a professional sportsman?
* Would you like to be a professional sportsman? Why? Why not? Explain.
* Which of the games do you like playing or watching? How often do you play or watch them? Who do you play or watch with?
* Would you go to a stadium to watch an important match? Why? Why not? Explain.
* Do you have a favourite sportsman or a sportswoman? Describe him/her.

Keeping fit
When one wants to keep himself fit he must eat nutritionaly balanced food and simultaneously practise some sport activity. Nowadays, many people want to be fit, because it is said that being fit impacts our body functioning and our lifes generally. On the other hand, I think, that people forget one crucial fact. To be in harmony and fit both mentally and physically, we must also train our mind, because i tis well known that with a healthy mind, comes a healthy body. We can train our brain by meditating, which i salso quite physically demading when meditating for long hours. We can do many things to keep ourselves fit, but we should not tyranize ourselves with strict diets and workout plans that we have to stick to as the pressure which is caused by it can easily endanger our mental health.

Ways to keep fit
- running, walking, swimming
- meditating, reading, having conversations with ourselves
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