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HistoryCeltic tribesIn the 4th century BC Celtic tribes settled in the area of Bohemia(it was named after the tribe of Boii), another Germanic tribes and Slavic people lived here.SamoIn the 7th century, the Frankisch merchant called Samo became the ruler...
A holiday or a tradition is a belief or behavior passed down within a group or society with a symbolic meaning or special significance with origins in the past.A festival is an event ordinarily celebrated by a community and centering on some characteristic aspect of...
The United states of America are the oldest federation in the world. The country is a federal presidential republic. There is bipartism in America which means that the country operates only under two parties: The Republic Party and the Democratic party.The political...
icon 23.01.2024 icon 0x icon 156x
EDGAR ALLAN POE (1809-1849)He wan an American writer, editor, and literary critic. He is called as Father of detective stories. He was born in 1809 in Boston. His father left his family, when Poe wan only two years old. His mum died at the age of 24. He remained...
1. LondonMost tourists start exploring England by visiting the British capital, London. It has enough attractions to keep a visitor entertained for several days, or even weeks. Apart from the obvious must-sees, there are also lots of galleries and museums, including...
1. LondonMost tourists start exploring England by visiting the British capital, London. It has enough attractions to keep a visitor entertained for several days, or even weeks. Apart from the obvious must-sees, there are also lots of galleries and museums, including...
History1. The first inhabitants of the British Isles were the Iberians in about 3000 BC and they were followed by the Celtic tribes. It was approximately 43 BC when the Romans invaded the country and stayed there until the 5th century when the Anglo Saxons from Nort...
Firstly I would like to talk about a few places that are situated across the republic but not in Prague.1. Krkokonše = highest range of mountains which takes pride in being inclusive of the highest mountain in the republic called Sněžka with its height of 1603 meter...
icon 21.01.2024 icon 0x icon 162x
1. Nursery school and kindergarten- Pre- school education, ends at age of 62. Elementary school- Trivia=writing, reading, math3. Secomdary school(British) and High school(american)- Final exams= in Britain GCSE and SAT in America- If someone want...
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nick   Ahoj. Možná je to neobvyklé místo pro hledání partnera, ale myslel jsem, že to z...
nick   Ahoj napiš mi na whatsap 705726924 J-
menuji se Karolína Je mi 24 let mam 2 leto...
nick   Touto cestou bych se chtěl poznat ženu která je hodná a upřímná a sama a hledá k...
nick   Hledám někoho pro krásné dny i život. Žádné úlety, ale lásku. 166cm,78kg,úsměv, ...
nick   Ahoj, jsem Dan a nabízím ti společné strávený čas, během kterého se nebudeš nudi...
nick   Jmenuji se Zbyněk a rád poznám fajn holčinu se kterou budu sdílet radosti a star...
nick   Jsem jen zábavná milující žena, která hledá dlouhodobý vztah, a hledám toho zvlá...
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